Assam Pension Scheme 2023: Pensioners Checklist, Application Form

Assam Pension Scheme 2023: Pensioners Checklist, Application Form

Assam Pension Scheme: Government implements various types of pension schemes to provide financial security after retirement. Through these schemes, pensions are provided to workers in the organized and unorganized sector. Recently Assam Government has launched Assam Pension Scheme. Government employees will be given pension through this scheme. This article covers all important aspects of Assam Pension Scheme. Through this article, you will know how you can benefit from this scheme. Apart from this, you will also know about its purpose, benefits, features, eligibility, required documents, application process etc.

Assam Government has launched Assam Pension Scheme to provide financial security to government employees after retirement. Pension benefits including GIS, GPF, Leave Encashment DCRG are provided to the beneficiaries through this scheme. All regular government employees who retire after at least 10 years of continuous service are eligible for pension. The amount of pension payable to a beneficiary who has served more than 10 years but less than 25 years is the proportional pension and the pension payable to a retired Government servant who retires after maximum qualifying service. Retirement Pension

A pensioner is eligible for retirement pension after rendering a maximum of 25 years of qualifying service. It is necessary to submit pension papers six months before retirement.

The pension sanctioning authority for teaching and non-teaching employees of Government schools and PRI pension employees is the Director of Pensions, Assam and the pension sanctioning authority for State Government pensioners is the Accountant General of Assam.

Assam Pension Scheme 2023

Scheme NameAssam Pension Scheme 2023
Eligible StateAssam
Started ByState Govt. Of Assam
OobjectiveProviding pension to the citizens of Assam
BeneficiaryAssam Citizens

Pension amount and interest rate on pension loan

The pensioner should fill up the prescribed form and submit it to the Accountant General or the Director of Pensions. After receiving all the documents, the authority will sanction the pension to the pensioner. Except for judicial and AIS services, so far the limit of commutation of pension is one-third of basic pension. A Government servant seeking voluntary or compulsory retirement from service shall appear before the Medical Board as per commutation of pension rules if the pensioner has applied for commutation of pension after one year from the date of retirement.

For all pensioners who retired before January 1, 2013, the rate of pension loan is 4.75% and for those who retired after January 1, 2013, the interest rate on pension loan is 8%. Maximum limit of pension is 65000 and minimum limit of family pension is 5500.

Assam Pension Scheme Objective

The objective of Assam Pension Scheme is to provide pension to retired government employees. So that they can get financial security through this scheme, retired government employees will become self-reliant. This scheme will improve the standard of living of retired government employees. Through this scheme, the pension will be disbursed to the beneficiary’s bank account, which will help them live a dignified life.

Assam Pension Scheme Benifit/Features

  • Assam Government has launched Assam Pension Scheme to provide financial security to government employees after retirement.
  • Pension benefits including GIS, GPF, Leave encashment DCRG are provided to the beneficiaries through this scheme.
  • All regular government employees who retire after at least 10 years of continuous service are eligible for pension.
  • The amount of pension payable to a beneficiary with service of more than 10 years but less than 25 years is proportional pension and pension payable to a retired Government servant who retires after maximum qualifying service is full retirement. Pension.
  • A pensioner is eligible for retirement pension after rendering a maximum of 25 years of qualifying service.
  • It is necessary to submit pension papers six months before retirement.
  • Under the scheme, the pension sanctioning authority for teaching and non-teaching employees of government schools and PRI pension employees will be the Director of Pensions, Assam and the pension sanctioning authority for state government pensioners will be the Accountant General of Assam.
  • The pensioner should fill up the prescribed form and submit it to the Accountant General or the Director of Pensions.
  • After receiving all the documents, the authority will sanction the pension to the pensioner.
  • Except for judicial and AIS services, so far the limit of commutation of pension is one-third of basic pension.
  • A Government servant seeking voluntary or compulsory retirement from service shall appear before the Medical Board as per commutation of pension rules if the pensioner has applied for commutation of pension after one year from the date of retirement.
  • For all pensioners who retired before January 1, 2013, the interest rate on pension loan will be 4.75% and for those who retired after January 1, 2013, the interest rate on pension loan will be 8%.
  • Maximum limit of pension is 65000 and minimum limit of family pension is 5500.

Assam Pension Scheme Pension Disbursing Banks List

  • Union Bank of India
  • State Bank of India
  • Central Bank of India
  • Bank of Baroda
  • Punjab National Bank
  • Allahabad Bank
  • Canara Bank
  • United Bank of India
  • UCO Bank

Assam Pension Scheme Pension Type

Superannuation Pension

This pension is given to government employees who retire after attaining the age of 60 years.

Retirement Pension

This pension is payable to a Government servant who has retired or is retiring before attaining the age of superannuation or to a Government servant who opts for voluntary retirement after being declared surplus. All government employees can apply for voluntary retirement 3 months before completing 20 years of qualifying service or before reaching the age of 50 years.

Invalid Pension

If a Government servant has applied for retirement from service on account of any physical or mental infirmity which renders him permanently incapacitated for service, an invalid pension shall be granted. In order to apply for invalidity pension the beneficiary must provide a medical report from a full medical board

Compensatory Pension

If a Government servant is elected to retire on cancellation of a permanent post, compensatory pension will be paid till he is appointed to another post.

Compassionate Allowance

If the qualifying service on discharge or retirement is less than 25 years and there is 25 years of service and higher pension, the lower grade of service will receive compensation, invalidity and retirement gratuity not exceeding one full month for each completed year of service. . In case of good service, gratuity is admissible for qualifying service with less than 10 years of service and pension is admissible if the service is 10 years or more.

Extraordinary Pension

In case of death or injury or disability caused by accident or otherwise while on duty of a Government servant, extraordinary pension shall be paid to his family.

Family Pension

Family pension is given to widows or widowers, in the absence of widows or widowers, family pension is given to children of Government servants. Apart from this, Provisional Family Pension, Disability Pension, Invalidity Pension etc. are also given to the family of deceased government employees. This pension is payable to the children till the age of 18 years and till the age of 21 years in case of a son or till the age of 21 years in case of a daughter or till marriage, whichever is earlier. Additionally, family pension is also paid to dependent parents up to 18 years for brothers and up to 21 years for sisters or marriage.

If the son or daughter of a Government servant is suffering from any infirmity, mentally challenged or physically challenged, this family pension can be paid for life as long as the conditions are fulfilled.

Assam Pension Scheme: Calculation of Pension Amount Under

  • As per ROP 2010 the qualifying service for full retirement pension is reduced from 33 years to 25 years with effect from 1st April 2009.
  • If the Government servant has rendered at least 33 years of qualifying service before 1st April 2009 and after 25 years after 1st April 2009, 50% of average pay shall be treated as full pension of retired Government servant.
  • If the eligible servant has rendered less than 33 or 25 years of service, the pension will be calculated proportionately.
  • If the service is less than 10 years, no pension is payable, only uniform service gratuity is admissible in lieu of pension.
  • The amount of pension so determined shall be expressed in whole rupees and if the pension comprises a fraction of a rupee, it shall be rounded off to the next higher rupee.
  • From 1st April 2009 the minimum rate of pension is 3000 per month and the maximum pension is 27500 per month.

Assam Pension Scheme: Guidline

Submit claims

It is necessary to submit the claim for pension grant in the prescribed proforma to the head office in advance so that the pension payment order reaches you before your retirement.

Verification of PPO

As soon as you receive your PPO, you should verify the correctness of the pension award indicated in the PPO as per existing rules. If any correction is required you can contact the Head Office or Pension Disbursing Agency

Physically Challenged/Mentally Challenged Children

In case the pensioner’s children are physically challenged or mentally challenged, it is the pensioner’s responsibility to ensure that their particulars are submitted to the Head Office for approval in the service and pension records and to obtain receipt of this information.

Transfer of Pension Amount

If the pensioner wants to draw pension from any other paying agency, the pensioner should now make a request to the existing pension disbursing agency to transfer the pension account to the PDA from which he wants to draw pension.

Restoration of Commuted Pension

The commuted portion of pension can be restored on application basis after 14 days from the date of receipt of commuted value of pension.

Arrears of Pension

If the pension is not received for more than one year for any reason, it shall lapse and require the approval of the competent authority. A defect claim is required to be submitted to the PDA along with an explanation of the delay in the prescribed form

A Missing Pensioner

If a pensioner is found missing, the family should file an FIR with the police authorities. If the pensioner is not traced even after one year, a certificate is also required to be obtained from the police authorities and the matter should be reported to the Pension Disbursing Agency along with submitting a compensation bond for sanction of family pension.

Affiliation of Court

As long as the pension is actually paid to the pensioner as per the Pension Act, the pensioner is free from attachment by any court, which is due or payable. A pensioner cannot assign or sell any interest in respect of pension which is unpaid at that time.

Payment of Pension Through Authorized Bank

Pension can be paid through bank. It cannot be paid in cash. Individuals have to open a savings or current account in their own name or a joint account with their spouse to get pension

Re-employment of Pensioners

If the pensioner is re-employed by the Central or State Government, it is the responsibility of the pensioner to immediately inform the Pension Disbursing Authority.

Change in Family After Leaving Service

Any change in family condition after discharge from service should be reported to the Pension Disbursing Authority.

Punishment/imprisonment After Retirement

If the pensioner is convicted by the court or sentenced to imprisonment, his pension will be suspended.

Professional Employment After Registration

Prior approval from the competent authority is mandatory for accepting any commercial employment within one year of retirement

Annual Recognition

For annual validation, pensioners have to appear before the Pension Disbursing Authority in the month of November every year. If the pensioner is unable to attend for any reason. His representative may come otherwise the pension will be stopped

Disadvantages of PPO

If your PPO is lost, you should inform your pension delivery agency immediately

Nomination of Lifetime Dues

You need to nominate the person to whom you want to pay the life arrears after your death. This nomination should be submitted to the Pension Disbursing Agency. Nomination may be changed from time to time.

Assam Pension Scheme: Eligibility

  • Applicants should be a permanent resident of Assam
  • Applicants should be Government Servants
  • Applicants should have minimum 10 years and maximum 25 years in government service

Assam Pension Scheme: Required Documents

In case of family pension

  • Application for grant of family pension/death gratuity (Form 21).
  • Photograph (passport size) of the claimant in triplicate, duly attested by the Head of Office.
  • Two model signatures
    • Left hand (in case of women)
    • Right hand (for male) thumb impression in duplicate, duly attested by a Gazetted Government servant.
  • Identity, height and personal identity details of the claimant in duplicate, duly attested.
  • Assessment of Family Pension and Death Gratuity (Form 20).
  • No Demand/No Dues Certificate from Estate Department and Directorate.
  • Annexures related to SGEGIS (prior receipt of one copy) in duplicate.
  • Children’s date of birth certificate.
  • DCRG nomination, duly confirmed.
  • SGEGIS Enrollment, duly verified.
  • Sanction of encashment of leave (including amount involved and number of days of leave in credit) by the competent authority.
  • SGEGIS with description and service book page number for service verification.
  • Admissible entry in service book for contribution of pension and leave pay.
  • Statement showing details and total period of ineligible service period and year wise details.
  • Details of family members (Form 1A) duly countersigned.
  • Whether photocopies of service book and pension file are kept.

In the case of a retired Government servant

  • Details of Retired Government Servant (Form 1).
  • Application for conversion (Form A).
  • Family details, duly countersigned (Form 1A).
  • Assessment of Pension and Gratuity (Form 2).
  • Single or joint (with spouse) passport size photograph, in triplicate, duly attested by the Head of Office.
  • Duly attested by a gazetted Government servant, in duplicate, of signatures or thumb impression of left hand (in case of women) / right hand (for men) in two forms.
  • Two slips showing details of height and personal identification mark (not less than two) duly attested by a Gazetted Government servant.
  • Retirement order.
  • No Demand/No Dues Certificate from Estate Department and Directorate.
  • Discipline/Vigilance No Objection Certificate.
  • Attachments related to SGEGIS (one copy pre-receipt) in duplicate.
  • DCRG nomination, duly confirmed.
  • SGEGIS Enrollment, duly verified.
  • Pension calculation sheet.
  • Sanction of encashment of leave (including amount involved and number of days of leave in credit) by the competent authority.
  • SGEGIS with description and service book page number for service verification.
  • Entry in service book for contribution of pension and leave pay to eligible retirees.
  • Declaration of non-employment after retirement in case of Group ‘A’ pensioners in case of pension from PAO.
  • Statement showing details and total period of ineligible service period and year wise details.
  • Nomination for payment of pension arrears.

Assam Pension Scheme: Apply Procedure

  • First go to the pension disbursing agency
  • Get the pension form from there
  • Fill this form by entering all required details
  • Now attach all the required documents
  • After this submit this form to the Pension Disbursing Agency
  • You can apply under Assam Pension Scheme by following this process

Assam Pension Scheme: Get details about the transaction done

  • First go to the Official Website of Pension and Public Grievances
  • Home page will open in front of you
  • On home page you have to click on information on services
  • Now you have to click on the transaction details
  • A new page will open in front of you
  • On this page, you can get details about the transaction done

Assam Pension Scheme: Get Details of the Service Provided

  • Visit the Official Website of Pension and Public Grievances
  • Home page will open in front of you
  • Now you have to click on Information and Services
  • After this you have to click on the details of the service provided
  • A new page will open in front of you
  • On this page, you can get details about the services provided

Assam Pension Scheme: Grievance Procedure

  • First go to the Official Website of Pension and Public Grievances
  • Home page will open in front of you
  • Now you have to click register your complaint
  • A new page will open in front of you
  • On this page you have to click on complaint
  • After this you have to click on Registration Pension Grievance
  • Now you have to click register your complaint
  • After this you have to select the type of pensioner
  • Now you have to click continue
  • You will be redirected to a new page
  • In this page, you have to enter Ministry/Department Details, Office/Organization Details, Grievance Related, Grievance Category, PO Number, Gender, Name, Age, Mobile Number, Email ID, Address, State, Pin, Code, Type. Pension, Bank Name, Bank Account Number, IFSC Code, etc.
  • After this you have to click submit
  • You can submit your content by following this process

Assam Pension Scheme: Check Grievance Status

  • Visit the Official Website of Centralized Pension Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System
  • Home page will open in front of you
  • On the homepage, you have to click on View Grievance/Appeal Status
  • A new page will open in front of you
  • On this page you have to enter your registration/appeal number, mobile number and security code
  • After this you have to click submit
  • You can check the complaint status by following this process

Assam Pension Scheme: How to view Contacts

  • Visit the Official Website of Pension and Public Grievances
  • Home page will open in front of you
  • On the home page you have to click Contact Us
  • A new page will open in front of you
  • On this page you can access your contact details

Freequently Asked Question

Who is eligible for the Assam Pension Scheme?

All regular government employees who retire after at least 10 years of continuous service are eligible for pension under this scheme.

What benefits are provided under the Assam Pension Scheme?

The Assam Pension Scheme provides pension benefits, including GIS, GPF, Leave Encashment, and DCRG, to the beneficiaries.

What is the objective of the Assam Pension Scheme?

The objective of the scheme is to provide financial security to retired government employees, helping them become self-reliant and improve their standard of living.

Who is the pension sanctioning authority for government school employees and PRI pension employees?

The pension sanctioning authority for teaching and non-teaching employees of government schools and PRI pension employees is the Director of Pensions, Assam.

What is the interest rate on pension loans for pensioners who retired before January 1, 2013?

The interest rate on pension loans for pensioners who retired before January 1, 2013, is 4.75%.

How can a pensioner restore the commuted portion of their pension?

The commuted portion of pension can be restored on application basis after 14 days from the date of receipt of commuted value of pension.

What is the minimum and maximum limit of pension under the Assam Pension Scheme?

The minimum rate of pension is Rs. 3,000 per month, and the maximum pension is Rs. 65,000 per month.

Can pensioners receive their pension in cash?

No, pension cannot be paid in cash. Pensioners must open a savings or current account in their own name or a joint account with their spouse to receive pension payments.

What should a pensioner do if they change their family after leaving service?

Any change in family condition after discharge from service should be reported to the Pension Disbursing Authority.

Can a pensioner be re-employed after retirement?

If a pensioner is re-employed by the Central or State Government, they must inform the Pension Disbursing Authority immediately.

How often should pensioners appear before the Pension Disbursing Authority for annual validation?

Pensioners have to appear before the Pension Disbursing Authority for annual validation in the month of November every year.

What should a pensioner do if their PPO is lost?

If the PPO is lost, the pensioner should inform the pension delivery agency immediately.

Can a pensioner assign or sell any interest in respect of unpaid pension?

No, a pensioner cannot assign or sell any interest in respect of pension that is unpaid at that time.

What are the required documents for family pension under the Assam Pension Scheme?

The required documents for family pension include application for grant of family pension/death gratuity (Form 21), photograph of the claimant, assessment of family pension and death gratuity (Form 20), DCRG nomination, and more.

How can I check the status of my grievance under the Assam Pension Scheme?

To check the status of your grievance, visit the Official Website of Centralized Pension Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System, enter your registration/appeal number, mobile number, and security code, and click submit.

Assam Pension Scheme 2023: Pensioners Checklist, Application Form

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